
As part of our Community of Practice offer, we have produced a number of resources and delivered a number of free training sessions. The resources and recordings of webinars can be found below listed by the headings used across the SEND web pages.

Click on the arrow to the right of each heading to display the resources for that section.

Working in the sector

Learning support workers

Approaches to effective Learning Support. This document, created by City College Norwich, outlines approach taken of effectively utilising the National Occupational Standards to ensure cohesion and focus for our community of learning support.

Teaching and learning


To achieve the best outcomes for learners with SEND, partnership working is essential.  In this webinar, , City College Norwich, share the key principles of co-creation and how they work with both the local authority and their parent carer group to support learners with SEND in their community.

is a webinar delivered by City College Norwich in which they share a model designed by educational psychologists to understand and support emotional literacy, promoting positive experiences and building resilience for our learners. The webinar explored how they have adapted this model to working with difficult-to-engage and retain learners and how they are working with their local authority to help their NEET community engage with education.

  This webinar, hosted by Weston College, explores the use of assistive technology and communication aids in teaching life skills, which can then be transferred to home, work or community.

 This webinar explored how to get the hardest-to-reach learners to engage with learning and shared effective strategies used at Weston College.

. This webinar explores the differences of managing and promoting positive behaviour of learners, with SEND and Derby College sharing their approaches.

. The second webinar in the series (see above) covering how to promote positive behaviours of learners with SEND delivered by Derby College.

Nasen and ETF, as part of the Whole School Send programme, have been working with the National Development Team for Inclusion to focus on preparation for adulthood for learners with SEND. In this co-hosted webinar, , exploring how strategically learners with SEND can be prepared adequately for adulthood, including a smooth transition from school to college.

– A webinar delivered by City College Norwich looking at effective working with schools and colleges to prepare learners from the earliest of years for adulthood. Collaborative and influential working to improve what’s in place for learners.

– A webinar delivered by City College Norwich sharing effective practice to prepare our learners to transition independently into the community.

Supporting learners with transition, how do you prepare your learners? CCN produced this  for their learners who have found it really useful to help them to settle into college life and Weston college provided a chance to explore the use of  to assist learners manage their anxiety around transition to the college environment.

Digital learning

This training resource for Entry Level learners has been created in PowerPoint by CCN and covers passwords, personal information, what you say, socialising, bullying, sharing feelings and sharing photos.

You can access an to use in a classroom or for your students to use remotely on the CCN website.

This webinar explored the opportunities and challenges in supporting learners with complex learning needs.

Maths, English and ESOL

. In this webinar, Weston College’s share their approaches to engaging everyone in the development of learners’ maths and English skills.


(Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement). In this webinar, Derby College intorduce RARPA and show how they use it at Derby College.

º£½ÇÉçÇø and management


This Access to Work new process presentation explains the processes required when claiming Access to Work funding, as at the time of creation October 2020.

Staff Development

A Staff Toolkit webinar – Effective inclusive support strategies for tutors and learning support assistants. In this webinar, City College Norwich share their approaches and Staff Toolkit resource which ensure that learners with learning difficulties, differences or inclusion needs have their needs met and can achieve their aspirations. We want our learners to live full lives by thriving independently in their community, moving on to further or higher study, an apprenticeship or into the world of work.

Approaches to effective Learning Support. This document, created by City College Norwich, outlines approach taken of effectively utilising the National Occupational Standards to ensure cohesion and focus for our community of learning support.

. In this webinar, Weston College shared how invest in members of staff to reach their full potential, allowing them to develop into outstanding SEND professionals. They explore CPD options and provide successful case studies.

. In this webinar, ity College Norwich shared how they recruit, induct, develop and support teachers to make the most of learning support to deliver positive outcomes for learners.

 webinar shares Weston Colege’s approach to the management of mental health of both students and staff. During the webinar they introduce their Body and Mind policy, how they’ve changed the culture within the organisation and how they’ve developed a mental health specialist support model. 

. A webinar in partnership with National Star College. The essential skills managers require were explored, with a focus on self-evaluation and how managers can use the guidance contained in the SEND Code of Practice as checklist for audit.

Specific needs and wellbeing


. This session explored how models of delivery can be shaped and differentiated to minimise the impact of a pandemic on the students’ progress and success.

. This webinar shares how Weston College support learners with autism who are progressing to university.

. This webinar explored approaches that promote connection, interaction, and engagement via peer networks during holiday periods. How to discretely promote positive wellbeing, and how to create superordinate goals for learners that encourage team work to build confidence and communication skills. 

Deaf and hearing loss

Promoting inclusion and deaf awareness City College Norwich (CCN) has been promoting inclusion and deaf awareness by giving staff training to enable them to say short phrases using British Sign Language (BSL). 

Good morning
What is your name?
How can I help?
Good afternoon
What are you learning?
Where is your student card please?
How are you?
Where do you live?

Mental health

. In this webinar Weston College explore the affects of emotions on behaviour, on processing and perception.

. ADHD is an umbrella term which includes Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) without hyperactivity. ADHD is now widely recognised as a legitimate mental health problem. This webinar explored behaviour for learning, engagement and strategies for learners with ADHD. Providing information about the ADHD brain and the impact of medication on symptoms.

where they shared their approach to the management of mental health of both students and staff. During the webinar, they introduce their Body and Mind policy, how they’ve changed the culture within the organisation and how they’ve developed a mental health specialist support model.

. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought many new and unexpected challenges to staff and learner’s mental health and wellbeing. Weston College shared their strategic approach to making staff and students mental health and wellbeing a priority in this webinar.

. A lunchtime webinar.

. A webinar delivered by Weston College. Sharing their experience and practices.

. Nick shared his tips, tools and techniques that helped him in his own recovery. The webinar focused not just on what anxiety is – but what anxiety does – how it keeps us in a comfort zone, stops us living a life on our terms and ultimately how it affects success – by your own definition.

 this webinar explores the use of 3D interactive tours as a tool to assist learners to manage their anxiety around transition to the college environment. 

explored what is trauma, what are the visible and hidden impacts, and how organisations can support learners and employees using a trauma-informed approach. Young people who have experienced poor attachment histories and/or adverse childhood experiences are at risk of developing trauma symptoms. Educators need to respond to learners in order to promote a sense of safety and connection whilst supporting them to regulate emotion, so learning can take place.

. James Summerhayes leads you through his experience of addressing GAD within your organisation and how in doing so, using CBT and DBT strategies he has managed to support learners to successful outcomes.

 shared how they support the Wellbeing of their learners and staff.

Tourette Syndrome

 A webinar to help understand the impact on the individual in the learning environment, the impact on mental health, co-occurring conditions, diagnosis and why this is important, and ticks versus neurotypical behaviour.

Employers and employability

Support for learners

Weston college share how they are using the AutonoMe app and dashboard with leaners to help learners gain skills and confidence.

 Leading disability charity National Star, an ETF Centre for Excellence in SEND, Employer Spoke, held a webinar, self-employment for learners with SEND. The session includes an inspiring story from Katy Etherington, a previous National Star learner who runs her own successful graphic design business, sharing her experiences of education, employment, and the self-employment. Keith Bates from Mutually Inclusive explores the relationship between support and the entrepreneur.

In this webinar City College Norwich talk about the outcomes approach to supported employment.

, in this webinar City College Norwich shares effective practice in their Supported Employment Agency programme.

, in this webinar CCN share their pathway planning approaches, how they develop learner skills and framework models.

, hear from an employer who is passionate about supported placements and employment. Share this video with your employers so Brad’s approach can inspire them. 

 CCN share how they find sustainable paid employment for their learners with SEND and how they help them overcome their barriers to employment through a variety of methods tailored around their specific needs. They share their effective practice and guidelines of how to set up a supported employment agency.

Dynamic Training, an ETF SEND Employer Spoke, has been working with a community interest company that delivers supported employment services. Watch the as they share their approach to working with employers, training providers and learners with SEND in an equal partnership to secure the best outcome for everyone.

Dynamic Training, an ETF SEND Employer Spoke, has been working with Little Gate, a charity that delivers supported employment services. In the they share how you can work with supported employment agencies to support learners with SEND. In addition, they share their guide, How to recruit and manage individuals on accessible, supported apprenticeships in health and social care, which includes case studies.

, in this webinar City College Norwich share how they work with employers and the community.

Transition from college to the workplace Entry Level 3 and Transition from college to the workplace Level 1 (and above) are two guidance documents created by City College Norwich  to support learners with the transition from college to the workplace.

Oldham College share how they use video CVs to support learners with SEND into employment. The webinar outlines their approach and includes case studies from learners and employers.

, in this webinar City College Norwich share how they prepare learners for employment.

Support for employers

Young actor Daniel Laurie, famous for his role as Reggie in BBC’s Call the Midwife, has called on businesses to recognise the many benefits of employing young people with learning disabilities. Daniel, who has Down’s Syndrome, gives the keynote talk during this webinar led by London South East Colleges. The session gives practical advice to employers about the recruitment of SEND learners and the many benefits of having a fully inclusive workforce.

Inclusive toolkit employer guide (document) and an Inclusive toolkit employer guide (presentation) has been created to inform and support all employers in their work with supported interns, apprentices and T Level placements. This guide will give an overview of a number of different learning difficulties and disabilities, and strategies to support those people in their work activities and around the work environment. A digital version of the is available on City College Norwich website.

Inclusive employer induction toolkit shares the current practices at CCN in delivering induction activities to employers for our learners with SEND on placements and apprenticeships. The tools and techniques within the toolkit have been tried and tested extensively with employers. The tools can be adapted for use within your organisation.

, Hampshire County Council, an ETF SEND Employer Spoke, together with Eastleigh Borough Council and Eastleigh College explore how to make work placements work for learners and employers. They discuss the development of a tool to best support open and effective communication.

With skills gaps in Hospitality and Catering in the South, Hampshire County Council, share how they work with employers in meeting these skills gaps. The webinar shows how they bring the new talent and skills of young people with SEND, and provide opportunities for employers to engage with an important demographic in their communities. You will hear from the Hospitality and Catering sector and education providers about the great joint working that has supported young people and employers to develop skills needed for the future.

, Hampshire County Council, an ETF SEND Employer Spoke invited Hampshire Achieved and The Apprenticeship Hub to discuss the Supported Internship and Apprenticeship programmes and how these programmes can support businesses on their recruitment journeys.

, Oldham College, an ETF SEND Employer Spoke delivered this webinar to help raise employers’ awareness of the positive impact of having a diverse workforce.

, Hampshire County Council, an ETF SEND Employer Spoke delivered an event in which Milestone Infrastructure and Hampshire Futures share learning about the implementation of the Social Value Act in procurement, and what this can mean for young people being supported in the workplace.

explores the benefits for employers to engage with learners with SEND and understand what employers really want. City College Norwich share their experiences of engaging and securing employment for learners with SEND. The webinar and associated Understanding what employers need to employer learners with SEND presentation are to support providers to have the tools and knowledge to understand what employers really want and how to engage them effectively. 

Having high aspirations for employment from the earliest years for our learners with SEND is important. In the webinar, , organisations across the º£½ÇÉçÇø Sector come together to explain why and to signpost you to the support available. In the webinar you’ll hear from DFN’s Project SEARCH, nasen and Whole School SEND, base (British Association for Supported Employment) and ETF’s Centre for Excellence in SEND (Community).

Pathways to employment

Charity and Social Enterprise

Hampshire County Council, an ETF SEND Employer Spoke delivered an event, , in which Lily and Lime Café, a social enterprise run by Minstead Trust and HSDC talk about how Social Enterprises and Charities can support young people on their employment journeys, and how to overcome some of the challenges that they may face.

Supported internships

The , aligned to the , can be used to determine the quality and success of your Supported Internship (SI) provision. It will highlight your strengths and should be used as an annual continuous improvement tool. It has been designed to support reflection and self-assessment, supporting your quality assurance and improvement journey. It acts as a scaffold to support the effectiveness of the SI, and as a catalyst for driving change and improving provision, so there is an expectation for reviews to lead to an action plan. It can be downloaded in both Microsoft Excel and Word formats.

. This webinar looked at research into the effectiveness of supported Internships and at the Department for º£½ÇÉçÇø’s effective practice model of supported internships and what this means for providers. During the webinar, they went through the process of setting up a supported internship: What makes an excellent internship, support for the employer and partnership working, staffing requirements, on and off the job training for learners, facilities and equipment., funding model and approaches.

A further was held to explain the funding associated with supported internships

Supported employment

All learners should have a pathway plan from the earliest of years to assist them with their career aspiration. To find the most suitable job takes time in building confidence and skills to access the job market. Through proven track record this Supported Employment Framework will assist you to model a successful supported employment programme/offer. Some learners require additional support to achieve this, and this framework has been designed to enable the delivery of high-quality supported employment. It follows a 5-stage model to provide sustainable employment for learners with additional needs.

cover image of Supported Employment Framework Model

In addition, the Supported Employment Pathway Plan Checklist will support the planning approach and quality of your supported employment provision enabling learners to develop the skills and experiences they need for sustainable employment. The checklist should be used to plan and determine the quality through a set of checklist headings and statements. 


. How to promote positive behaviour in curriculum for inclusion. Dynamic Training, an ETF SEND Employer Spoke delivered this webinar.

. Dynamic Training, an ETF SEND Employer Spoke, together with external speakers providing the employer voice, covered a range of topics related to inclusive apprenticeships in this webinar.

  • Inclusive apprenticeships, Dynamic Traning
  • Learner support fund, Dynamic Training
  • NHS Talent for Care Agenda, Health º£½ÇÉçÇø England
  • Supported apprenticeships, NHS Foundation Trust
  • Supported Employment Service, Little Gate Farm
  • Targeted Employment Team, Essex County Council.

. Weston College held a webinar to explain the funding available to support learners with SEND on apprenticeship programmes, the documentation and evidence requirements and their model of supporting learners in the workplace.

. Dynamic Training, held a webinar in which they and external speakers covered the following topics:

  • Inclusive apprenticeships, Dynamic Training
  • Targeted Employment, Essex County Council, Targeted Employment Team
  • Talent for Care Agenda, Health º£½ÇÉçÇø England
  • Supported apprenticeships, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Supported apprenticeships and supported employment, Ways to Work.

, this webinar was delivered by Dynamic Training it explores reasonable adjustments that can be made to support apprentices with SEND.