Funded by the Department for º£½ÇÉçÇø (DfE), the Apprenticeship Workforce Development programme is being delivered by the º£½ÇÉçÇø and Training Foundation (ETF) in partnership with the Association of Colleges (AoC), Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP), Strategic Development Network (SDN) and the University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC) and supported by SQW as an independent evaluator.
The aim of the programme is to support apprenticeship training providers and employers to ensure apprentices receive a high-quality end-to-end experience. This is with a strategic focus on retention, timely completion and achievement outcomes. We know that training providers and employers benefit from support to make significant improvements in performance. We are committed to providing a comprehensive programme of continuous professional development that supports participants to achieve improvements in the quality of apprenticeship provision and to enhance workforce capability.
Your fully funded AWD support consists of several programmes. All elements are available via ETF’s learning platform, which has been designed to be personalised and accessible, allowing you to dip in and out to gain support as needed. Previous programmes on FutureLearn are available via the Professional Development Platform. Take a look through our brochure for more information about online, self-directed courses.
Check out our Working with Employer checklist, a downloadable checklist and guide for apprenticeship providers on working effectively with employers.
The maths and English offer (specific support for maths and English in apprenticeships).
The projects below were undertaken by organisations from across the Further º£½ÇÉçÇø and Skills sector and cover various themes, such as apprenticeship mental health, improving learning experiences, employer engagement and more. Each organisation developed resources based on their project with the aim of sharing their insights and knowledge with others participating in the AWD programme. Click on the project title below to read a summary of the project and access the project’s resources.
This project was led by Activate Learning with the aim of removing barriers to learning for apprentices with neurodiversity and ALS support needs.
In order to achieve this, processes and procedures for recording and claiming ALS funding were reviewed and revised, and a standardized approach to support was developed, based on existing examples of best practice. Staff were provided with CPD to equip them to deliver high quality ALN support.
ALS Recording Support and Claiming Funding PDF
Improving Apprenticeship Learner Support and Accessing Funding Case Study
ALS Basics of Providing Support
This project was led by Cornwall Marine Network Ltd.
The aim of the project was to produce resources to support mentoring throughout apprenticeship delivery. This led to the development of toolkits, information books and skills scans for apprentices and mentors:
Supporting Mentoring and Strengthening Relationships In Apprenticeships Case Study
This project was led by the Derby College Group.
Its aim was to test a flipped learning model for off-the-job training using a range digital tools. This model was designed to promote independent study skills and higher order thinking skills in apprentices.
Case Study
Flipped Learning CPD
Initial Survey Responses
Literature Review
This project was led by Exeter College in collaboration with Devon and Cornwall Training Provider Network.
The aim of the project was to work in collaboration with other apprenticeship providers to develop and deliver CPD for the benefit of the southwest region. Eight masterclasses on core topics such as working with employers, compliance, programme design, initial assessment and onboarding, and on-and-off the job training were delivered to the benefit of 33 organisations.
This project was led by Hull College and focused on the ‘behaviour’ aspects of the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours within apprenticeship standards. The aim was to provide templates that training providers could use, in conjunction with employers, to assess the behaviours of apprentices and demonstrate distance travelled.
The templates devised cover the mandatory behaviours required of the standard but also allows the employer to set their own behavioural parameters.
Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician Assessing Behaviours Template
Operations or Departmental Manager Assessing Behaviours Template
This project was led by Kid’s Planet Day Nurseries in conjunction with Professional Apprenticeships, College but Different and Seren Skills Network Ltd
In order to identify best practice in EPA preparation, the project team completed observations of teaching and learning, employer focus groups and learner discussions and surveys.
From this they have produced a series of short videos and EPA preparation guides:
End Point Assessment Hints and Tips for Tutors, Learners and Employers PDF
This project was led by Middlesex University and run in conjunction with The Open University and Consalia Sales Business School.
The project led to a creation of resources highlighting best practice in the delivery of degree apprenticeships. The theme of the resources is the importance of the integration of on-the-job and off-the-job learning:
This project was led by Newcastle College in collaboration with Carlisle College, West Lancashire, Kiddermister and Nottingham College.
The aim of the project was to improve inclusivity for apprentices with SEND/LDD. This was achieved by creating an initial assessment diagnostic tool in order to better identify starting points of apprentices.
Implementing an Inclusive Learning Environment – The Nine Cognitive Domains
Employer Guide to Apprenticeship Support
Implementing an Inclusive Learning Environment PowerPoint Presentation
This project was carried out by the Northern Skills Network.
The aim of the project was to design and implement a greener curriculum for apprentices. In order to achieve this, communities of practice were created along with a Green and Sustainable Development Charter and a resource bank for training organisations to support the embedding of sustainability within both the curriculum and the quality cycle.
Championing sustainability through apprenticeships case study
This project was run in collaboration by SETA, PETA and AMRC with support from JCB, IAE and Xtrac.
This project recognizes the risks to retention of apprentices when providers don’t fully engage with employers at all parts of the apprenticeship journey. The project team created resources to support employers to better understand the apprenticeship standards and their role in progress reviews and mentoring their apprentice.
Better Employer Engagement (BEE) Project: Good practice progress review form
Better Employer Engagement (BEE) Project: Final case study
Better Employer Engagement (BEE) Project – Good practice progress reviews
This project was led by South Devon College in collaboration with City College Plymouth and PETROC.
The aim of the project was to reduce the impact of poor mental health on apprenticeship retention by providing mental health support. This support included mental health awareness º£½ÇÉçÇø, additional questions asked during reviews, summer support sheets and a safeguarding video.
Apprenticeship Support Summer 2023
Do You Know Someone in Need of Support? PDF
Mental Health in Apprentices: Counting the Cost Case Study
Mental Health in Apprentices: Counting the Cost Case Study (PETROC)
Mental Health in Apprentices: Counting the Cost Case Study (City College Plymouth)
Mental Health in Apprentices: Counting the Cost – Final Case Study
Mental Health in Apprentices: Counting the Cost – Best Practices Identified
Mental Health in Apprentices: Counting the Cost: Data Analysis
This project was led by Skills Office Network in collaboration with Get Active º£½ÇÉçÇø, Pride Hairdressing, Tungsten Training and Sports Structures.
The aim of the project was to develop a toolkit to support new and existing staff involved in the delivery of apprenticeships to implement a comprehensive RPEL process. The toolkit contains a glossary, a process guide, staff survey questions, IAG videos, scenarios, examples and frequently asked questions.
This project was led by the University of Portsmouth.
The project recognizes the pivotal role of line managers in facilitating the learning and development of apprentices. The resources produced therefore provide key information to line managers regarding apprenticeships and the course their apprentice is undertaking. They also support line managers to coach and mentor their apprentice.
Line Manager Toolkit Case Study
Session 2: Line Manager Coaching Support and Tools to Support Apprentice Development and Progression
This project was led by the University of Portsmouth.
The purpose of the project was to bring together academic practices and apprenticeship practices in order to improve the overall experience for apprentices. In order to achieve this, a CPD package was developed and hosted on the VLE to provide key information for staff to be able to access at times when it is most relevant to them. The CPD provides information on the following themes: an introduction to Degree Apprenticeships, understanding Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours, End Point Assessment. It includes podcasts to share the experience of both staff and apprentices.
Case Study: Developing CPD for Academic Teams to Enhance the Apprentice Experience
CPD to Support Academic Colleagues with Apprenticeship Requirements​ – session 1
Academic CPD to Support Academic Colleagues with Apprenticeship Requirements – session 2
Academic CPD to Support Academic Colleagues with Apprenticeship Requirements – session 3
This project was led by Weston College in conjunction with Bath College, Gloucestershire College, Yeovil College and The University of West England.
The project was set up to understand the Find an Apprenticeship Training Provider surveys, how these linked to the Accountability framework and ultimately, therefore, how providers can increase their scores by identifying and developing those areas where they are scoring less well.
Strategy Document – Find an Apprenticeship Training Provider
Find an Apprenticeship Training Provider Survey Guidance
Learner and Employer find an Apprenticeship Training Provider Survey (template)
This project was led by Wigan and Leigh College.
The focus of the project was on careers advice for apprentices based on the finding that there was often a lack of staff confidence, knowledge and skills in this area. In order to address this, CEIAG for apprentices was aligned to the Gatsby benchmarks, sector specific resources were developed, and staff were provided with training on CEIAG and LMI.
This project was led by West Midlands Creative Alliance in collaboration with London South Bank University, Innovate Awarding, Chichester College Group, Sumo Digital and NestGen Skills Academy.
This project focused on increasing the recruitment of industry specialists from the creative industries to be involved in apprenticeship delivery and end-point assessment. To this end, sample resources have been produced which can be used by providers and EPAOs in order to attract, develop and retain industry professionals.
‘Apprenticeship Essentials: What’s Involved in’ Series: A Professional Discussion
‘Apprenticeship Essentials: What’s Involved in’ Series: The Game Programmer Apprenticeship
This project was led by Northumbria University with the aim of developing a framework for initiating and maintaining employer engagement in the design and delivery of learning.
This project was led by Babbington Business College.
The aim of the project was to develop strategies and recommendations for improving online learning for apprentices with partial sight or who are registered blind and in order to do this they reviewed the learner journey and created checklists and guides to support enrolment, accessibility and inclusive online learning.
Click on the logos below to find out more about each consortium partner.
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If you have any queries about support for apprenticeships, please contact:
We are really keen to hear how the programme has supported you, the benefit it has had for you and your staff, and the resulting impact on the learners and employers you work with. Your response will enable us to capture the benefits of the programme for the sector, as well as helping to shape the support that would be most useful to you in future.
Email us at